This computer graphics design and computer aided design site aims to provide book reviews and free ebook on 3d computer graphics, opengl tutorial, opengl 3d, 3d design, vrml examples, vrml tutorials, xlib tutorial, adobe photoshop tutorial, illustrator, dreamweaver
and coreldraw tutorial.

Teach Yourself CorelDRAW 8 in 24 Hours

CorelDRAW 8 is an enormously powerful graphic design package. With that power comes a fairly complex design environment and an almost infinite combination of tools and effects. In this book, you'll meet and work with all these tools and effects.
Not only is CorelDRAW an encyclopedic graphics package, it comes with two additional major programs, as well as many utilities. This book includes hours (20-24) that introduce you to Corel PHOTO-PAINT 8 and CorelDREAM 3-D 8.
With all that said, you can jump into CorelDRAW 8 with a minimum of preparation and create complex illustrations. Don't be intimidated, because it's all easy and you're going to have fun learning. In the first lesson, you'll get acquainted with enough of CorelDRAW's environment to start creating drawings. And you will learn to use lines and line segments to create graphic images.
Welcome to CorelDRAW 8
Before you dive in and start creating your own graphic images, you need to understand a few basic concepts about what CorelDRAW does--both on your screen and behind the scenes. That's what this section is about.
Now you might be asking yourself, "Do I really need to know what's going on behind the scenes in CorelDRAW 8?" Not necessarily, but a basic understanding of the unique way CorelDRAW creates images will help you to design images and transform those images to hard copy or web page output.
CorelDRAW is different from bitmap graphic design packages. CorelDRAW is a vector-based program, which means that it creates and handles images as mathematically defined vectors. Vectors are objects with both magnitude (size) and direction (angles, curvature, and so on). The files that store CorelDRAW images consist of lists of lines, with information on their location, direction, length, color, and curves..........
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Dreamweaver MX - Tutorial Part 1

Welcome to the Dreamweaver MX Tutorial Part 1. This tutorial is designed to help you become a proficient user of the Dreamweaver MX software. Dreamweaver is a web development tool that allows users to quickly and easily create effective and often interactive web sites.
Understanding the Dreamweaver MX Screen

We will begin this tutorial by looking at the toolbars and menus available to you in Dreamweaver MX. These tools will make your web development experience faster and easier. Below is an overview of the screen. In order to introduce you to the Dreamweaver MX screen, small labels will appear as you roll over each section of the screen image below with your mouse cursor. Try to move your mouse around the different areas to familiarize yourself with the screen before we continue a more detailed description of each section.
Define Your Site Properties
Before you can begin creating your site, you need to make sure you indicate the site properties within Dreamweaver MX. This allows you to keep your site synchronized and consistent from within Dreamweaver.
As you saw in the previous section, on the right side of the Dreamweaver MX screen, is a window titled "Files" with two tabs - Site and Assets. Assets is the name given to components of a page, but you do not need to use assets for the purposes of this tutorial. You should, however, be concerned with the Site tab.
The Site tab section shows tools that allow you to easily access a visual representation of your files and transfer those files to a web server. Before beginning a site, you should always define the local folder on your computer and the remote location where the site will be stored.
First, you will need to define the location of your site on your computer. To do this, you will need to click Site from the top text menu and select "New Site." The opening screen for site definition is shown below. I have answered the inquiry, "What would you like to name your site? with the name "Dreamweaver MX test". Try naming your site using your first name...........
