By Andries van Dam
What is Computer Graphics?
What is Computer Graphics?
- Computer graphics generally means creation, storage and manipulation of models and images
- Such models come from diverse and expanding set of fields including physical, mathematical, artistic, biological, and even conceptual (abstract) structures
- William Fetter coined term “computer graphics”in 1960 to describe new design methods he was pursuing at Boeing
- Created a series of widely reproduced images on pen plotter exploring cockpit design, using 3D model of human body.
- Perhaps the best way to define computer graphics is to find out what it is not. It is not a machine. It is not a computer, nor a group of computer programs. It is not the know-how of a graphic designer, a programmer, a writer, a motion picture specialist, or a reproduction specialist.
- Computer graphics is all these –a consciously managed and documented technology directed toward communicating information accurately and descriptively.”
Computer Graphics, by William A. Fetter, 1966
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