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Computer Graphics C Version Second Edition

By Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker
Computers have become a powerful tool for the rapid and economical production of pictures. There is virtually no area in which graphical displays cannot be used to some advantage, and so it is not surprising to find the use of computer graphics so widespread. Although early applications in engineering and science had to rely on expensive and cumbersome equipment, advances in computer technology have made interactive computer graphics a practical tool. Today, we find computer graphics used routinely in such diverse areas as science, engineering, medicine, business, industry, government, art, entertainment, advertising, education, and training. Figure 1-1 summarizes the many applications of graphics in simulations, education, and graph presentations. Before we get into the details of how to do computer graphics, we first take a short tour through a gallery of graphics applications.
A major use of computer graphics is in design processes, particularly for engineering and architectural systems, but almost all products are now computer designed. Generally referred to as CAD, computer-aided design methods are now routinely used in the design of buildings, automobiles, aircraft, watercraft, spacecraft, computers, textiles, and many, many other products. For some design applications; objeck are f&t displayed in a wireframe outline form that shows the overall sham and internal features of obiects. Wireframe displays also allow designers to qui'ckly see the effects of interacthe adjustments to design shapes. Figures 1-2 and 1-3 give examples of wireframe displays in design applications.
