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Introduction to VRML 97

By David R. Nadeau
VRML (the Virtual Reality Modeling Language) has emerged as the de facto standard for describing 3-D shapes and scenery on the World Wide Web. VRML’s technology has very broad applicability, including web-based entertainment, distributed visualization, 3-D user interfaces to remote web resources, 3-D collaborative environments, interactive simulations for education, virtual museums,virtual retail spaces, and more. VRML is a key technology shaping the future of the web.
Participants in this tutorial will learn how to use VRML 97 (a.k.a. ISO VRML, VRML 2.0, and Moving Worlds) to author their own 3-D virtual worlds on the World Wide Web. Participants will learn VRML concepts and terminology, and be introduced to VRML’s text format syntax. Participants also will learn tips and techniques for increasing performance and realism. The tutorial includes numerous VRML examples and information on where to find out more about VRML features and use.
These tutorial notes primarily contain two types of information:
  • General information, such as this preface
  • Tutorial slides and examples

The tutorial slides are arranged as a sequence of 500+ hyper-linked pages containing VRML syntax notes, VRML usage comments, or images of sample VRML worlds. Clicking on a sample world’s image, or the file name underneath it, loads the VRML world into your browser for you to examine yourself.

You can view the text for any of the VRML worlds using a text editor and see how I created a particular effect. In most cases, the VRML files contain extensive comments providing information about the techniques the file illustrates.

The tutorial notes provide a necessarily terse overview of VRML. I recommend that you invest in one of the VRML books on the market to get thorough coverage of the language. I am a co-author of one such VRML book, The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook. Several other good VRML books are on the market as well.

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